Monday, September 3, 2012

Democrat? Republican? Independent? Here’s the Biggest Issue in the 2012 Election

There are countless reasons to vote. Some of us have social issues we are fired up about, others have political ones. Some of us are adamantly supportive of women’s rights and gay rights, others may take a different point of view. Your main issue might be gun control or illegal immigration—or maybe protecting the environment and advancing green energy sources is tops on your agenda.

Regardless of what drives you to the polls, I ask you to consider what I believe is the overriding issue in the upcoming Presidential election that should temporarily move all other concerns to the back burner.


It’s not very sexy, it doesn’t illicit a passionate response—in fact, it sounds downright boring. But I submit that this concern will set the tone of our country for years to come and without a swift correction in the current path, no other social or political issue is going to matter. Changes must be made and they must be made soon.

The first order of business must be to solve this country’s financial problems.

Whether you are a Democrat, Republican or Independent, you probably realize that runaway spending and financial disorder must be controlled. How? Everyone knows Medicare and Social Security are on the verge of bankruptcy. Both must be reformed. It’s been “on the agenda” for many years, but our government never seems to get around to tackling the work.

And I believe taxes have to be reformed—not one policy at a time, but all together in a simpler and more easily understood form. We do not need 2000-page polices that no one understands (or, for that matter, no one reads before enacting). Congress needs to bring before the American People a simple straightforward policy.

We need to start with this:
Put the “Affordable Healthcare Act” on hold until we can understand it and make it affordable.

Demand that Congress put before the American people reformations in Medicare, Social Security and Taxation that will include ALL Americans. No more special plans for Congress-- but reformations that apply to everyone.

The $16 trillion in debt that we have amassed is unsustainable and climbing by the day.

None of the social issues we debate can be solved if our country becomes insolvent.

I believe we must come together, both Democrats, Republicans and Independents, to change our leadership and put our financial house in order before it is too late. Four more years at the current pace will be a financial disaster. I believe Romney and Ryan are up to the task-- but if they aren’t we will elect leaders who are.

Friday, August 31, 2012


If you are aged 45 to 74, you're one of the 80 million, too. But just who are we?

the generation that lived through the Cuban Missile Crisis and fought in Vietnam; supported the Civil Rights movement and mourned the assassinations of JFK, RFK, and MLK.

the youth who supported Women’s Rights and Human Rights; lived through the drama of Watergate and the unprecedented resignation of a President; endured the oil embargo and gasoline shortages of the 1980’s; and celebrated the end of the Cold War.

the consumers who embraced audio cassettes, video disks, personal computers, the World Wide Web, bar codes, ATMs and floppy disks; the Ethernet, ink-jet printers, cell phones, MS-DOS,  HDTV, and the answering machine.

the citizens who fought racism, sexism, and ethnic prejudice and demanded the eradication of poverty.

The business people who created Apple, Windows, and the iPad.
Since we came of age we have helped build this country through hard work, innovation, and sound values. We are determined that our legacy and our country shall not be ruined by a Congress and Presidency that is self-serving and unable to act. We are the generation that brought an end to the Vietnam War, not by occupying, but through strong protest and a willingness to be seen and heard.

It is time for us to be seen and heard once again before it is too late to solve our country’s problems.

In the near future we will be posting information on the key issues that are facing this nation such as: healthcare, our deficit, social security, taxes, crime, etc. We will provide a summary of the current situation, issues to be addressed and recommendations. Then we will tell you how to take action; for example, phone calls to our Congress, protests at government offices and of course voting the right people into office.